Thursday, September 3, 2009

Boyce Watkins on ABC News – Love, Money and Sex

by Dr. Boyce Watkins, Syracuse University

I recently appeared on ABC News to talk about Financial Lovemaking, and the link between sex and money. I've discussed relationships and money several times on AOL in the past, but I think that I should quickly lay out some very interesting similarities that may not have crossed your mind. As I teach my Personal Finance Class at Syracuse University this semester, I am reminded that managing our money is linked to managing our love, which is critical to the ultimate goal of effectively managing our lives.

1) Many people think about both sex and money every single day. Don't lie, you know you enjoy thinking about sex, even if you aren't getting any. But chances are, you also think about money, whether it's figuring out how to get what you need or how to keep what you've got. Even most rappers spend all their time talking about either sex, money or how they use their money to get more sex. It's actually a universal concept.

Click to read.

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