What is Your Business Model?
There is a saying that if you continue to do the same things the same way and expect a different result, that is the definition of insanity.
There was an article, Business Models for Industries in Crisis, that discussed how five industries must change the way they do business if they are going to survive and thrive.
The same is true for a lot of us! We are in a state of crisis. If we want to survive and thrive in the current economy we have to change our strategies and tactics.
So, the question for each of us is what are we willing to do differently?
For example, if you are looking for new employment, do you continue to do it the same old way or have you employed new tactics? You can't afford to literally and figuratively look for a job the "old fashion" way. It doesn't yield sufficient results in this competitive environment.
I have a friend who was interviewing for a position with an organization. He saw that I was connected to someone via Linkedin who worked at that organization. He called me to ask if I could make an introduction. A great way to network!
Another colleague of mine was interviewing with someone. When she looked him up on Linkedin, she saw that they were connected to a mutual person. She called that person to find out more about the person she would be interviewing with. A wonderful opportunity to be prepared for an interview by knowing a little about the interviewer!
Regardless, if you are an entrepreneur or not, you are the C.E.O of your life. Read 5 Tips to devise a winning strategy that will enable you to create a “business model” that will guide you through this ever changing economy.
Good Luck and Much Success!
Bio: Danielle Douglas is President of Inspire Enterprise. Get more great information to learn How to Be a Successful Entrepreneur